02 March 2011

Let the memories begin!

Tuesday 1 March 2011
Beginnings and endings are special in the Magic Kingdom. The last thing I saw above the exit out of the Magic Kingdom was the phrase "Let the memories begin!" Today we saw Stitch's Great Escape, Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin (I got a higher score than BJ both times we went), People Mover, Carousel of Progress, Monster's Inc Laugh Floor, Pirates of the Caribbean (no soundtrack), Jungle Cruise, it’s a small world, Peter Pan's Flight, Mickey's PhilharMagic, Snow White's Scary Adventures, and Mad Tea Party.

Symbols can be powerful. I was really impressed with it’s a small world and the change from color to all white. It was beautiful and memorable. I was also struck by the number of little girls with Minnie Mouse ears and polka-dot bow tie ribbons in their hair compared to the number of boys with Mickey Mouse ears. The ratio was about five Minnies for every two Mickeys. I wonder what that symbol means. I think girls are more free to express themselves these days. The boys are trained from early on to disguise or hide their loyalties and interests. Almost any boy from the first grade on has learned their thoughts are chauvinist and socially unacceptable, so most avoid displaying their feelings.

Some good jokes were heard today. On the jungle boat in Adventure Land the boat driver told us as we approached the charging hippo to cover our ears. We all obeyed and he pulled out his revolver and then yelled very loud at the hippo to leave his boat and tourists alone because he had a big gun. He also told us about his friend that went to the witch doctor. His friend had a piece of pineapple in his left ear, part of a banana in his right eye, and gooseberries up his nose. When this friend went to the witch doctor for help he was told he wasn't eating right. The old joke under the waterfall about the backside of water still causes a chuckle. The Carousel of Progress attendant also got us laughing by saying he was starting his favorite song, and then mumbling under his breath that he heard it in his sleep and every waking hour. (Image: "The Window" in the Chisos Basin at Big Bend Nat'l Park looking down into the desert. This is where BJ got stung.)

The tram driver taking us to the parking lot at the end of the day urged parents with strollers to completely fold them before stepping onto the tram, and even reminded the parents that their children would appreciate it if they removed their children before folding. When you are exhausted at the end of a day such things can strike you as hilarious.

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