17 August 2010

Archives and Cemeteries

Oh what fun! I drove into town this morning and found the dam that was built to prevent Dandridge's city center from being flooded by the Douglas Lake Reservoir. Then I walked up and down Main Street past the Courthouse looking for the Museum and Archives. I almost gave up but wandered into the Courthouse and found the Museum. I found two ancestor's names in the display cases that were the Museum. When I found the Archives upstairs I found a genealogist's heaven. They had family books and I copied several papers from them.

Then I wandered out to the Hills Union Methodist Cemetery on the south side of the Lake. It was on rolling hills and it was very hot. As I walked the cemetery I found lots of Reneau and Denton grave markers, but not many Fraziers. It began to sprinkle, and I protected the camera with my floppy hat. The rain brought relieving coolness before I returned to the car.

I drove to Johnson City and a heavy downpour there turned my hotel into a drain for two large shopping centers. The dramatic flooding and lightning was fun to sit back and enjoy-at least from the second floor.

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