17 June 2010

Crater Lake, Rock Museum, Shakespeare

Fri June 4
Every time I've been to Crater Lake, Oregon, it has been beautiful and snow packed. This time was no exception, and included some fog. It was so cold up there I just had more fun watching a pair of scantily clad young women pretend they were not cold as they clambered about on ten foot snow drifts, and I admired their endurance. (Image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bobrpics/3121273475/)

Crater Rock Museum, in Central Point, Oregon bragged about their thunder eggs (geode-the official state rock) but I was more impressed by the room full of petrified wood types. They identified petrified palms, oaks, willow, fig and many other tree types. I was also impressed that they encouraged and taught school groups about rock collecting.

The Shakespeare Festival, in Ashland, Oregon was going and we saw Twelfth Night (or As You Like It) Apparently the "Twelfth Night of Advent" is a Saturnalia in which servants become slaves and vice versa so all society is confused. In the play the upper class are foolish or fanciful and the lower classes mostly are genuine and wiser. The line about some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them has a much different kind of meaning than I would have supposed. The wisest in the play is the fool, and the steward is the bad guy. It was comical and enjoyable, and boy oh boy did Shakespeare have different ideas about sexual innuendos than we allow today.

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