17 June 2010

Azalea Park, Harris Beach

Mon June 7
Azalea Park in Brookings, Oregon, was our first stop back in Oregon again. We missed the Azalea blossoms, but enjoyed speculating about the gopher holes in their lawn. You see gopher mounds all over the place on the west coast, almost as common as liberal Democrats. But we both laughed when we saw a man with a metal detector digging up the lawn and realized some of the mounds might be from two legged gophers.

Harris Beach State Park in Brookings, Oregon has a beautiful beach and outlying rocks as is typical of the entire Oregon Coast. We set up camp and then strolled down to the beach to take pictures. A youth group arrived and it was fun watching them play in the chilly ocean waves. We even had to time it just right between waves to get around a large rock to a different beach. (Image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/amanderson/2587433312/)

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