27 February 2011

Invite Jesus In

Sunday 27 February 2011
Disney Hollywood has lots of "attractions" and we saw: Great Movie Ride (James Cagney won an Oscar for song and dance not as a bad guy), Lights Motors Action extreme stunt show (the car driving backward over a jump ramp was driven by a driver and steering wheel facing the back window), Studio Backlot Tour, Journey into Narnia, Walt Disney: One Man's Dream (Roy took over planning the Florida resort when Walt died), Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Magic of Disney Animation, Rockin' Roller Coaster, and Fantasmic.

The most interesting impressions of the day included the sky writing. An enterprising pilot wrote in perfect lettering above the park, "INVITE JESUS IN." I thought that was pretty cool, but I'm not sure if that would work for us Mormons. Since the rest of the Christian world claims we are not Christians I suspect that inviting Jesus in or having faith in him is not really what they believe is required to be saved if you happen to be a misguided Mormon.

The stunt drivers that were whirling around and around burning rubber sure were interesting. The flaming motorcycle driver had to be put out fast (it gets hot fast even under five layers of insulation from the flames). The good red car could spin around and race around surrounded by bad black cars. They would be going fast and slam on breaks almost bumper to bumper but not crash into each other as they spun out.

The evening closed with Fantasmic. This show projected animations through sheets of water sprayed up to create a viewing screen. There were lots of fireworks and burning water and electric boats as Mickey Mouse remembered dozens of animated good and bad guys and managed to defeat the bad and let imagination triumph.

But the most amazing Disney feat of all is the way they can empty their parking lots so fast. They have busses, trolleys, pedestrians, and cars all organized so they can get around each other and safely and quickly exit. Well done!

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